Real Geeks Reviews

Real Geeks Review: Patrick Lum from EXP Realty

Written by Professor | Jul 22, 2024 7:11:26 PM

The Chance of a Lifetime

Patrick is a native of the island, and he absolutely adores it: the warm weather, the warm people, the "Aloha" spirit – what else could a man want? But, when he flew to the mainland to go to college in Nevada, he didn't expect to come back anytime soon. 

That was until he got the chance of a lifetime. A family member allowed him to stay in their beautiful home in Oahu, rent-free. With almost zero cost of living and plenty of savings, Patrick decided to take this opportunity and dive head-first into the commission-only industry of real estate. 

This is where his now 9-year journey began.

All You Could Want, for Half the Price

As a new realtor, Patrick decided to join an already established team. Things were going well, and he was gaining a lot of experience. There was only one problem: the CRM they used was far too expensive for a newcomer in the industry. We're talking around $2K a month. And when you're living off savings, even if you're not paying rent, $2K a month is a pretty penny.

So, Patrick did a little research and found Real Geeks. Beautiful-looking IDX sites. Powerful CRM. Plenty of lead engagement tools and automations.

And best of all – for a tenth of the price. "By far Real Geeks was the most affordable [platform], and it did everything I needed it to do," he recalls. 

One key element that was crucial for Patrick was the CRM's ability to put people on Saved Searches, so that he can keep his leads updated and constantly engaged based on what they're looking for.

Patrick's Favorite Real Geeks Feature

Patrick has figured out that the sweet spot for him in terms of how many leads he can handle per month is around 30. And the reason he's been able to allow this many to come through the system is thanks to his favorite feature: Geek AI

The chatbot feature acts as Patrick's personal assistant – always on, always active, and always engaging with his prospects. And the best thing is that all of the scripts have been written by real estate professionals, based on the key phrases that help leads move forward with a purchase. 

"I look at my phone and I'll see 5 text messages that were going back and forth with a buyer at 2am, and the appointment is pretty much set!" he tells us. 

Final Words from Patrick

Patrick has been recommending Real Geeks to people looking to grow in real estate since the moment he got started with us. Not just because of the return on investment of the system and being one of the most affordable systems in the market, but because of its commitment to innovation.

"[The Real Geeks team] is constantly innovating and improving. They've got very quick customer service responses, and a great portal site access to their training," he states.

This huge library of helpful resources and coaching sessions for realtors and agents is another element that makes the platform so helpful for newcomers in the industry.

When asked about the decision of an agent to switch to Real Geeks, Patrick is clear: "I think it's a no-brainer."