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Searching for a dependable, all-in-one real estate platform that can scale to meet your evolving needs? Discover why agents are choosing Real Geeks over BoomTown.

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5 Stars

Real Geeks loved by 200+ customers

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Real Geeks vs Boomtown Boomtown White Logo (1)


Searching for a dependable, all-in-one real estate platform that can scale to meet your evolving needs? Discover why agents are choosing Real Geeks over BoomTown.

Real Geeks Google Review User Icons (2)
5 Stars

Real Geeks loved by 200+ customers


Considering a BoomTown Alternative?

BoomTown is a well-known real estate platform, but its steep costs make it one of the most expensive options for real estate professionals. In addition, their complex features can be challenging to incorporate, particularly for smaller teams and individual agents.

In contrast, Real Geeks offers a more accessible and budget-friendly solution. Our all-in-one platform is designed to grow with your business, providing comprehensive tools without the hefty price tag.

Developed by agents for agents, Real Geeks includes top-ranking IDX websites for SEO, a versatile CRM adaptable to your business needs, and unmatched product training and support to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

Explore the additional benefits of Real Geeks compared to BoomTown
below, or schedule a personalized Real Geeks demo now.


Considering a BoomTown Alternative?

BoomTown is a well-known real estate platform, but its steep costs make it one of the most expensive options for real estate professionals. In addition, their complex features can be challenging to incorporate, particularly for smaller teams and individual agents.

In contrast, Real Geeks offers a more accessible and budget-friendly solution. Our all-in-one platform is designed to grow with your business, providing comprehensive tools without the hefty price tag.

Developed by agents for agents, Real Geeks includes top-ranking IDX websites for SEO, a versatile CRM adaptable to your business needs, and unmatched product training and support to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

Real Geeks offers long-term value and user-friendly features, making it easier to engage and convert leads without the steep learning curve and high costs associated with BoomTown.

Explore the additional benefits of Real Geeks compared to BoomTown below
, or schedule a personalized Real Geeks demo now.

Don't just take our word for it – hear from agents dominating their markets with Real Geeks.

"My first year with Real Geeks, my net income was $480,000 in a market where I knew no one!"

Susie Ellis
Susan Ellis Real Estate

"Real Geeks features simplified what we were struggling with beforehand." (Former BoomTown client!)

Jeff Quintin
KW Quintin Group of Ocean City

Don't just take our word for it – hear from agents dominating their markets with Real Geeks.

"My first year with Real Geeks, my net income was $480,000 in a market where I knew no one!"

Susie Ellis, Susan Ellis Real Estate

"Real Geeks features simplified what we were struggling with beforehand." (Former BoomTown client!)

Jeff Quintin, KW Quintin Group of Ocean City


With cost-effective solutions & superior flexibility, Real Geeks surpasses BoomTown as a comprehensive platform for real estate professionals.

  rg black font w logo Real Geeks vs Boomtown Boomtown Color Logo
Plans Starting at $299 / mo $1000 / mo
(est, pricing only available via live demo)  2
Plan Terms 6 months, 12 months (discounted up to 40%) 12 months (est, pricing only available via live demo)  3
IDX Website     5 User-Friendly, Customizable Templates    Basic, Hard-to-Use Templates  1, 3
AI-Powered SEO Fast Track     3 Market-Specific, Customizable Templates    Not Offered  1, 2
CRM     2 Users  (unlimited additional users $25/mo ea)     2-25 Users Depending on Plan  1
CRM Mobile App     Included on All Plans, Newly Improved!    Included, Hard to Use  1, 3
50+ CRM Integrations     Included on All Plans    Zapier & API Nation Included, Pay for Additional  1
Calendar Integration & Follow-Ups     Included on All Plans    No Follow-Ups, Cal Integration on Higher Plans  1, 2
Add-On Features    Add Premium Tools to Any Plan    Premium Add-Ons Offered at Highest Plan  1
Expert-Level Onboarding, Training, Support, & Coaching      Included on All Plans    PRO Desk, Community, & Support on Highest Plan  1
4+ Star Google Reviews      4.5 Star Average Google Review
   Doesn't Share Google Reviews


With cost-effective solutions & superior flexibility, Real Geeks surpasses BoomTown as a comprehensive platform for real estate professionals.

Real Geeks

$2990 / month, starting /month


$10000 / month, est starting /month

Real Geeks


Website & CRM

IDX Website
5 Customizable Templates
Basic Templates
AI-Powered SEO Fast Track
3 Customizable Templates
Not Offered
2 Users, Add Users $25/mo ea
2-25 Users, Varied by Plan

Integrations & Add-Ons

50+ CRM Integrations
Zapier & Api Nation, Pay for More
Calendar Integration & Follow-Ups
Cal Integration on Higher Plans
Add-On Features
Add to Any Plan
Offered at Highest Plan

Support & Reviews

Expert-Level, Onboarding, Training, Support, & Coaching
Offered at Highest Plan
4+ Star Google Reviews
4.5 Star Avg Google Review
Does Not Share Google Reviews

Real Geeks is Designed for 1 Purpose: Agent Success

200 +
Five-Star Reviews
600 %
Average Platform ROI
13000 +
Community Members
100 %
Lead GuaranteeTM

Real Geeks is a powerful, yet flexible platform – Easily tailored to fit your specific business needs to help you reach your goals, faster. Trusted by thousands of agents, Real Geeks is designed to keep you ahead of your competition.

Real Geeks is Designed for 1 Purpose: Agent Success

200 +
Five-Star Reviews
600 %
Average Platform ROI
13000 +
Community Members
100 %
Lead GuaranteeTM

Real Geeks is a powerful, yet flexible platform – Easily tailored to fit your specific business needs to help you reach your goals, faster. Trusted by thousands of agents, Real Geeks is designed to keep you ahead of your competition.


Which is best for me, really?

Real Geeks vs Boomtown Boomtown Color Logo

  • Robust CRM Suited for Teams & Brokers

    BoomTown's CRM excels in providing real-time analytics and reporting, but smaller teams or single agents may not need all available features.

  • Many Marketplace Features

    Many advanced features are available with BoomTown, however these are generally on the pricier side, and offered only via higher-tier plans.

  • Experience Required

    Despite extensive functionality, many find the system  difficult to navigate. This may impact those less tech-savvy or new to real estate technology.

  • An Integral Part of Your Business

    We understand no two businesses are the same, and offer scalable plans tailored for solo agents, small teams, large teams, and brokerages.

  • Innovative All-In-One Solution

    We work continuously to keep you equipped with cutting-edge tools. If that's not your thing, Real Geeks may not be the product for you.

  • Succeed Without the Learning Curve

    With training, coaching, and ongoing support, you can comfortably leverage our technology to elevate your business, and exceed your goals.


For straightforward lead management, choose BoomTown. For a cost-effective, highly customizable, and evolving all-in-one platform, Real Geeks is the clear choice.


Which is best for me, really?

Real Geeks vs Boomtown Boomtown Color Logo

  • Robust CRM Suited for Teams & Brokers

    BoomTown's CRM excels in providing real-time analytics and reporting, but smaller teams or single agents may not need all available features.

  • Many Marketplace Features

    Many advanced features are available with BoomTown, however these are generally on the pricier side, and offered only via higher-tier plans.

  • Experience Required

    Despite extensive functionality, many find the system  difficult to navigate. This may impact those less tech-savvy or new to real estate technology.

  • An Integral Part of Your Business

    We understand no two businesses are the same, and offer scalable plans tailored for solo agents, small teams, large teams, and brokerages.

  • Innovative All-In-One Solution

    We work continuously to keep you equipped with cutting-edge tools. If that's not your thing, Real Geeks may not be the product for you.

  • Succeed Without the Learning Curve

    With training, coaching, and ongoing support, you can comfortably leverage our technology to elevate your business, and exceed your goals.


For straightforward lead management, choose BoomTown. For a cost-effective, highly customizable, and evolving all-in-one platform, Real Geeks is the clear choice.

Real Geeks Is Invested in Success, Are You?

As an ambitious professional looking to make a mark in the industry, you need tools as dynamic and driven as you are.

Beat Your Competition

Make it easy for potential clients to find you online

Real Geeks IDX Websites Graphic


Effortlessly attract and capture high-quality leads with a professional, SEO-optimized IDX website showcasing your listings and expertise.

Stay Ahead of Online Portals

Never Miss an Opportunity

Keep every lead in sight with a powerful, easy-to-use CRM

Real Geeks CRM Lead Details Graphic (2)


Have more productive conversations with a CRM that will organize, track, and automatically engage leads based on website activity.

Get Organized, Engage Quicker
Real Geeks AI Icon-1

Streamline Operations

Save time and money with advanced automations

Hover for more

Save time while intelligent, automated systems handle initial touches, website activity follow-ups, and long-term nurture campaigns.

Focus on Clients
Real Geeks Upload Icon-1

Advertise Easier

Effortlessly increase your pipeline, close more deals

Hover for more

Select target areas and start running Google PPC ads automatically – it's that easy. Our "set it & forget it" marketing solution delivers high-quality leads right to your doorstep.

Get More Leads
Real Geeks Global Lock Icon-1

Transact Faster

Send documents from your CRM with ease and compliance

Hover for more

Manage and send buyer agreements directly from your CRM, using our innovative, one-click integration with SkySlope.

Sign More Offers
Real Geeks Help Icon-1

We'll Help You Do It

Dominate your market with Real Geeks, we'll teach you how

Hover for more

We ensure your success (tech expert or not) with ongoing training, support, and resources – plus a Real Geeky community.

Exceed Your Goals

Real Geeks Is Invested in Success, Are You?

As an ambitious professional looking to make a mark in the industry, you need tools as dynamic and driven as you are.

Beat Your Competition

Make it easy for potential clients to find you online

Real Geeks IDX Websites Graphic


Effortlessly attract and capture high-quality leads with a professional, SEO-optimized IDX website showcasing your listings and expertise.

Stay Ahead of Online Portals

Never Miss an Opportunity

Keep every lead in sight with a powerful, easy-to-use CRM

Real Geeks CRM Lead Details Graphic (2)


Have more productive conversations with a CRM that will organize, track, and automatically engage leads based on website activity.

Get Organized, Engage Quicker
Real Geeks AI Icon-1

Streamline Operations

Save time and money with advanced automations

Click for more

Save time while intelligent, automated systems handle initial touches, website activity follow-ups, and long-term nurture campaigns.

Focus on Clients
Real Geeks Upload Icon-1

Advertise Easier

Effortlessly increase your pipeline, close more deals

Click for more

Select target areas and start running Google PPC ads automatically – it's that easy. Our "set it & forget it" marketing solution delivers high-quality leads right to your doorstep.

Get More Leads
Real Geeks Global Lock Icon-1

Transact Faster

Send documents from your CRM with ease and compliance

Click for more

Manage and send buyer agreements directly from your CRM, using our innovative, one-click integration with SkySlope.

Sign More Offers
Real Geeks Help Icon-1

We'll Help You Do It

Dominate your market with Real Geeks, we'll teach you how

Click for more

We ensure your success (tech expert or not) with ongoing training, support, and resources – plus a Real Geeky community.

Exceed Your Goals

Schedule a Personalized Demo

Over 80,000 agents have decided to embrace the Future of Real Estate with Real Geeks.

Today, it's your turn.

Schedule a Personalized Demo

Over 80,000 agents have decided to embrace the Future of Real Estate with Real Geeks.

Today, it's your turn.

How Real Geeks Compares to Other Real Estate Technology

We want you to make the best choice for your business. See how Real Geeks stacks up to other top real estate technology solutions.

Real Geeks vs BoomTown
Real Geeks vs kvCORE
Real Geeks vs Lofty-1
Real Geeks vs Sierra Interactive
Real Geeks vs Top Producer
Real Geeks vs Ylopo

For those considering BoomTown as a real estate platform, here are some valuable resources we used to provide the information on this page:

1. BoomTown. “Product Comparison.” BoomTown, 2024, boomtownroi.com/product-comparison/. Accessed 31 July 2024.
2. GetApp. “BoomTown Features.” GetApp, 2024, getapp.com/real-estate-property-software/a/boomtown/features/. Accessed 31 July 2024.
3. Capterra. “BoomTown Reviews.” Capterra, 2024, capterra.com/p/151892/BoomTown/reviews/. Accessed 31 July 2024.

How Real Geeks Compares to Other Real Estate Technology

We want you to make the best choice for your business. See how Real Geeks stacks up to other top real estate technology solutions.

Real Geeks vs BoomTown
Real Geeks vs kvCORE
Real Geeks vs Lofty-1
Real Geeks vs Sierra Interactive
Real Geeks vs Top Producer
Real Geeks vs Ylopo

For those considering BoomTown as a real estate platform, here are some valuable resources we used to provide the information on this page:

1. BoomTown. “Product Comparison.” BoomTown, 2024, boomtownroi.com/product-comparison/. Accessed 30 July 2024.
2. GetApp. “BoomTown Features.” GetApp, 2024, getapp.com/real-estate-property-software/a/boomtown/features/. Accessed 30 July 2024.
3. Capterra. “BoomTown Reviews.” Capterra, 2024, capterra.com/p/151892/BoomTown/reviews/. Accessed 30 July 2024.