In this Real Geeks Facebook LIVE training, Greg Harrelson and Abe Safa shift the narrative, helping agents understand that "your state of mind determines your state of production." As they shared ‘Your Next Breakthrough - 10 Simple Steps’, they focused on how mindset, purpose, buddies, and more can lead to more production and satisfaction in 2021. 


Step 1. Define what a breakthrough is.


Specifically state what you are wanting to accomplish. Harrelson said that though this seems obvious, it continues to get neglected. Agents were encouraged to imagine the success and describe what it looks like. “You will never have a breakthrough,” Harrelson said, “unless you can define what a breakthrough is.” Safa agreed, “ A lot of times people are so close to a breakthrough, where it looks like nothing is around the corner...” and when nothing happens quickly, they get discouraged. “We need to talk about the activities that lead to a breakthrough, because it is right around the corner,” said Safa.


Step 2. Determine the activities needed to hit that goal.


The equation is simple, if you want more listings you need to talk to more sellers. Regardless of your goal, break it down to what activities are necessary to do daily to hit that goal. “Compare your goals with what activities will get you there,” Harrelson said. “A lot of agents get stuck here. Initiate the re-engagement workflow.” Just doing that one thing could see engagement gain 40% which is a successful activity.


“People worry about missing out on an activity, if you do not act today, you will lose it,” Greg said and then had a practical suggestion of how to make it happen. Decrease the amount of time it takes to speak to new leads, he suggested. Safa said, “A lot of buyers are seeing how quickly the turnover is. Speed to lead is critical because buyers know if they don't act now,they won't get the home they're after.”


Step 3: Create a plan.


Create a schedule & stick to it. Lead generating activities should be first on the schedule. Then plan the activities you created in Step 2.


Both Safa and Harrelson agreed that the key is consistency and gave guidelines for how this can be done:


  • Every activity should be accomplished before 12 p.m. 
  • Have it be a reoccurring and standing appointment. 
  • Keep appointments with yourself.
  • Through being consistent, achieving your breakthrough goal becomes easy.


Step 4: Show up consistently.


Calling consistency THE most important step, agents were encouraged that “even when you feel ‘busy’ or when you are seeing results, don't stop!” Keep doing it or else you will continue to experience those pitfalls. Harrelson also advised, “Be careful with self talk. Do not let anything prevent you from showing up. You have to be very stubborn about showing up. If you are consistent with those activities, "You are going to blow are on your way to a breakthrough."


Step 5: Find a buddy--a breakthrough requires support.


An accountability buddy with a common goal is a huge asset. "You are more likely to show up more frequently if you have a buddy there, because you don't want to let that person down,” Harrelson said. He added that the Real Geeks Mastermind facebook group is a great place to find a breakthrough buddy.


Step 6: Be present to your purpose. 


Urgency to achieve the why creates results. Getting in touch with your purpose will have you showing up every single day. If you can't explain why you want to achieve your breakthrough then your likelihood of success decreases. Start your phrasing off, "I want this because..."


Remember that discovering your buyers "why" is important too. "Buying the house is a transaction that must occur in order for them to get what they want."


Step 7: Chant some affirmations.


"If we say we can't, we can't. If we say we can, we can. If we say nothing, we don't. Let's not waste the power of our mindset," Harrelson said. "if you're going to focus on something, at least focus on something productive,” added Safa. "Be intentional with the conversations we are having with ourselves."


Harrelson stated that, “Positive thinking could be a breakthrough, it can be an activity to put in your schedule.” He further explained to make a checklist of ten things and have an accountability buddy make sure you accomplish at least 80 percent and never miss the same activity two days in a row."


Step 8: Gratitude sets you up for a breakthrough.


Through gratitude we attract positivity. "Write down 5 things you're grateful for.. Maybe you write down 5 victories you’ve had in the last 24 hours," Harrleson suggested this as a way to deliberately counteract the negativity the world puts into our minds. Safa shared that it is impossible to balance gratitude & negative thoughts, saying, "Gratitude is the miracle drug for everything." 


 Step 9: Escaping frees you up.


Carve out a few hours for yourself during the week. “Escaping is the remedy for burnout and the avenue for breakthrough,” said Harrelson. Harrelson works on classic cars as an escape and Safa runs and swims while traveling is not an option.


Step 10: Repeat this recipe.


"Repeat week, after week, after week, and breakthrough appears in spite of you," encouraged Harrelson. Reflecting on the breakthrough steps, he said, “If you follow every one of these, you’ll just open up the oven and pull out a pan of breakthrough.” 


Published on Mar 15, 2021 under ,

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