Coach Paul's Real Estate Lead Conversion University: Staying Consistent with Follow Up


Welcome to the second step of Coach Paul's Real Estate Lead Conversion University series. 

This twelve-part series will be dedicated to breaking down the best real estate lead conversion strategies, discussing how to nurture leads properly, build your pipeline, and successfully scale your real estate business. 

To start the series from the beginning, check out this post. 

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For the entire Real Estate Lead Conversion University week two video, fill out the form below:

Have you ever started something and then given up on it not too long afterwards without completing it? A new exercise program? A fad diet? Car restoration? Or a home improvement project? It’s easy to quit something. When things get tough, it’s easy to throw in the towel and wave the white flag of surrender. 

Guess what? For online lead generation to work for you, follow-up, perseverance, and consistency are the keys to closing. No quitting when it gets hard. You absolutely can’t give up.

A great conversation may be right around the corner. They may not answer on the first 4 follow up attempts but they may pick up and engage with you on the 5th! You may get told 99 times “no, no, no” but then on the 100th time you get a solid connection that leads to a closing.

In fact the closing you want may be just a month or two down the road but you may never realize it if you give up early! 

Don’t give up on your leads. Stay consistent. Keep working on them!

One of the things that we have realized over the last decade in working with thousands and thousands of real estate agents is that there is definitely a qualitative difference between top performers and average agents. And as we have studied the differences we have noticed that top performers are diligent about their follow up efforts day in and day out.

This consistency (and routine) day in and day out is what sets them apart in real estate and in life. Of course this mirrors what all of us see around us every day anyway- athletes who consistently work at their craft practicing over and over and over to be the best at their sport. Writers who write thousands and thousands of pages, constantly editing and re-editing and writing and re-writing until a best selling novel is birthed.

Artists who are consistently applying brush stroke after brush stroke on the canvas until a beautiful painting emerges. To be the best as an architect, contractor, specialist, doctor, salesperson, and real estate- it all requires consistency.

You have to repeatedly do the same things over and over and work to improve your processes over and over and over so you can get better and better and better.

We believe consistency is the key to online lead generation.

Did you know that Real Geeks offers a full-service online lead generation program through the Real Leads Program?  This helps take the guesswork out of it. Here’s what the Real Leads can do for you to help you with consistency:

Consistency in running ads for you in your target area and around the country
Consistency in your ad budget, monitoring your campaign spend daily, weekly, and monthly.
Consistency in targeting - keywords, negative keywords, optimizations, tweaks, etc.
Consistency in a steady flow of leads to add to your pipeline for long term follow up

And once you get a steady flow of online leads that are being generated for you and as you grow your pipeline, here’s what you need to do for consistency in follow up:

Provide consistent communication with your leads
Send consistent text messages with relevant questions to engage your leads
Stay top of mind with regular email and drips (make sure your workflows are set)
Call monthly to check in with every lead and see how things are going in their life
Consistently send property alerts and new listings to every lead in your CRM

In order to generate and convert online leads, consistency is the key to greatness. It’s not going to happen overnight. It’s all about the activities that you embark on daily, weekly, and monthly to produce the results you want.

What are your thoughts on consistency? What habits or behaviors do you practice for consistent results? Let us know. We would love to hear from you!

Coach Paul

Published on Dec 23, 2022 under

Real Geeks is a highly efficient and effective lead generation and conversion solution for cultivating, capturing, and managing leads at any stage of the home buying or selling process.


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