Coach Paul's Real Estate Lead Conversion University: Show me the money!

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Arguably the best scene in the movie "Jerry Maguire" was when Tom Cruise was yelling, "Show me the money!" in the office. It was a moment of desperation where he, as a struggling sports agent, realized that the most important thing at that moment was to retain an account from his top athlete.

He was willing to do whatever it takes to retain business or gain new business. This scene highlights the importance of having a goal and being willing to do what it takes to achieve it.

When it comes to making money, it is important to have income goals and a plan in place to reach them. Nothing happens by chance. It is crucial to envision where you want to be in terms of your annual income so you can map out a plan to hit your goal.

To do this, you need to know how many closings you need in a year to make the money you want to make and work backwards from there. For example, if you want to close 24 deals in a year, you would need to make 2 closings per month.

Assuming it takes you 100 calls to get one appointment and you close 25% of the appointments you set, you would need to make 800 calls in a month, or 40 calls a day, over 20 business days.

Breaking down your goals into daily activities can help you have a benchmark for success. However, success is a combination of effort, determination, dedication, and persistence over time.

You need to stay consistent in your prospecting efforts to achieve real estate greatness. Sometimes, the issue is not with effort but with marketing. To make the necessary calls, you need to have a pipeline of leads. If your pipeline is not big enough, you need to generate online leads.

The amount of leads you generate will yield a bigger database, which will allow for more outreach and ultimately lead to more closings.

In some cases, agents may back down on their marketing efforts because they are concerned about not closing deals. However, doubling down on marketing efforts will actually strengthen your pipeline and yield even more deals.

On the other hand, some agents make the effort but don't have enough leads. If you need more leads, consider reaching out to a full-service marketing team such as Real Leads.

In conclusion, it is important to set big goals for yourself, map out a plan to reach them, and stay consistent in your efforts. Take some time to map out your upcoming year and set some big goals for yourself. And remember, there are no shortcuts to success.

It takes effort, determination, dedication, and persistence over time to achieve real estate greatness.


Coach Paul

Published on Feb 5, 2023 under

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