Real Geeks Blog

The 6 Real Estate Lead-Gen Tactics to Generate 500+ Leads

Written by Professor | Jul 15, 2024 3:09:44 PM

How Greg Harrelson Generates 500+ Leads Every Month

Everyone in our ever-evolving industry knows that lead generation remains a critical pillar of success. And if you've read our previous articles or are part of RGMastery, you know Greg Harrelson believes there's never been an easier time to generate high-quality leads.

But not all leads are created equal. There's a distinct division between paid leads, obtained through our advertising efforts, and organic leads, which originate naturally. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the strategies and tactics that Greg Harrelson employs to consistently generate over 500+ leads every single month. We'll also delve into the pros and cons of both paid and organic leads, helping you navigate the diverse terrain of real estate lead generation.

The Power of Organic Leads

One of the most remarkable aspects of Greg's lead gen strategy is the significant emphasis placed on organic leads. Organic leads are those that come to you naturally, often as a result of your online presence, reputation, and content marketing efforts. 

Greg's approach is rooted in building a robust online presence, which not only attracts leads but also establishes trust and credibility. 

Here are some key advantages of this type of leads:

  • High-Quality Prospects: Organic leads often include individuals genuinely interested in your services, as they discovered you through their own research or referrals.
  • Cost-Efficiency: While organic lead generation requires time and effort upfront, it can yield long-term results with minimal ongoing investment, making it cost-effective.
  • Builds Brand Authority: Consistently producing valuable content and maintaining an active online presence positions you as an authority in your field.

The Pros and Cons of Paid Leads

Paid leads, on the other hand, involve investing in various advertising channels to attract potential clients. While this method offers quick results, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages:


  • Immediate Results: Paid advertising can generate leads rapidly, making it a valuable strategy for agents looking to fill their pipelines quickly.
  • Targeted Marketing: You can fine-tune your paid advertising campaigns to target specific demographics and locations, ensuring your message reaches the right audience.
  • Scalability: Paid lead generation efforts can be scaled up or down based on your budget and goals.


  • Costly: Running paid advertising campaigns can be expensive, especially in highly competitive markets, and may require ongoing investment.
  • Lower Trust: Some paid leads may be less committed or have lower trust levels since they didn't discover you organically.
  • Dependency on Ad Platforms: Relying solely on paid leads can make your business vulnerable to changes in advertising platforms and algorithms.

Organic Leads: A Solid Foundation

One of the first things to note is that a significant portion of Greg's leads are organic, making up a remarkable 68% of his total lead generation efforts. This achievement highlights the effectiveness of his strategies and demonstrates the power of organic lead generation.

  • Greg's Take: "Organic traffic is like a hidden goldmine. It's not just about immediate results but building a lasting online presence."

With this out of the way, let's take a look at some of the main strategies Greg and his team utilize to generate 500 leads every month for a single website (because as he notes, between all of his domains, the total number of leads generated is actually over 2,000 a month).

Tactic #1: Blogging for Success

One of Greg's key strategies for lead generation is consistent blogging. Blogging serves multiple purposes in the real estate world. It not only provides valuable information to potential clients but also boosts your website's search engine rankings, making it more discoverable. 

Greg emphasizes the importance of a structured approach to blogging, with a minimum goal of three blogs per week. While some may argue that daily blogging is necessary, Greg believes in taking it one step at a time, gradually increasing the frequency.

  • Greg's Take: "Blogging isn't just about quantity; it's about offering quality insights that resonate with your audience."

The biggest hurdle agents encounter with blogging is that the channel takes a while to deliver results. And because it doesn't deliver immediate ROI, agents stop blogging, and a year from then they wonder why their peers are getting organic traffic and they aren't.

That's the thing to remember about organic traffic - it takes time to build up. So blog as if nobody was reading, and challenge yourself to do it consistently for six months before you quit.

For topic ideas, you can either invest in a robust keyword research tool like Moz or Ahrefs, or you can simply use Google's built-in search bar suggestions and recommended results tools.

Tactic #2: The Top Ten Listings of the Week

A standout strategy in Greg's lead generation playbook is the "Top Ten Listings of the Week."

Every week, like clockwork, he sends out an email announcement and posts it on Facebook, highlighting the top ten real estate listings. This content is highly engaging, attracting a flood of visitors to his website. While some of these visitors may already be leads, others are new prospects who are now exploring his website.

  • Greg's Take: "Consistency is key. If you can establish a routine, your audience will know what to expect, and that keeps them coming back."

Tactic #3: Retargeting for Maximum Impact

Greg's lead generation strategy doesn't stop at driving traffic to his website; it also involves retargeting. Retargeting involves reaching out to individuals who visited your website but didn't sign up or take any action. 

By creating custom audiences through pixel codes and retargeting ads on platforms like Facebook, he brings these visitors back to his website.

  • Greg's Take: "Don't let potential leads slip through the cracks. A gentle nudge in the form of retargeting can yield impressive results."

Retargeting becomes extremely easy when you're working with RealGeeks, since you're able to see the direct actions leads are taking in your website, and they're seamlessly added to your database for them to be retargeted.

And, if you want to take it to the next level, you should check out Real Leads, which combines the power of RealGeeks with done-for-you Google & Facebook Ads automations. 

Tactic #4: Leveraging Email Signatures

Another simple yet effective strategy Greg employs is optimizing his email signature. He recommends including enticing links that encourage recipients to click. 

For example, having a link that says, "Check out the latest listings in our market" or "Find out what your home is worth" can pique curiosity and drive traffic to your website.

Notice a trend here? It's all about providing content that's useful to them, rather than promoting yourself.

  • Greg's Take: "Your email signature is prime real estate. Use it wisely to direct traffic where you want it."

Tactic #5: Utilizing Real Estate Profiles

Greg also emphasizes the importance of optimizing your real estate profiles on platforms like and Zillow. These profiles often allow you to link back to your website.

When potential clients search for properties or agents in your area, a well-optimized profile can direct them to your website, bringing in free and highly targeted traffic.

  • Greg's Take: "Your online presence should be consistent across all platforms. It's about making it easy for clients to find you."

The great thing about this tactic is that you do it once, and then forget about it. But make sure to spend a day or two optimizing your profile in every single directory you can find. Even those you think won't bring any traffic can be responsible for high-quality leads in the future, so don't stop until your name is on at least 20 different sites.

Tactic #6: The Home Valuation Widget

Last but not least, Greg's lead generation arsenal includes the home valuation widget. This tool provides visitors with an estimate of their home's value, a topic of interest for many homeowners. 

Greg recommends using this widget both for paid advertising campaigns and as part of organic social media posts. It can capture leads by offering valuable insights to potential sellers.

  • Greg's Final Thought: "The home valuation widget is a win-win. It helps potential sellers while also capturing valuable leads for your business."

Final Thoughts: Learning from Greg's Success

If there's one thing we can take from Greg's teachings, is that there is no one right way to generate leads. 

Over his decades in the business, he's tried and tested a wide variety of tactics, and decided to focus on the handful that deliver the greatest results. So to save yourself the years of investing your time in activities that don't work, try to focus on these 6 over the next few months.

And if you'd like to be coached by Greg directly, be sure to check out RGMastery, Greg's private community for real estate agents, where he delivers live, in-depth training on each of these practices, and even takes a look at your backend system to optimize each step of your funnel for you.

  • Greg's Parting Wisdom: "Success in lead generation isn't about secrets; it's about discipline, consistency, and a genuine desire to serve your clients."

If you're looking to thrive in the real estate industry, consider adopting these strategies, learn from Greg Harrelson's success, and stay committed to the process of lead generation.