Is Buying PPC Leads Worth It?

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It’s time to answer the age-old question: is buying PPC leads worth it? Many agents believe that buying PPC leads is a waste of money because it doesn’t amount to anything. However, experts believe that the contrary is true.

Why Do Real Estate Agents Fail When Buying PPC Leads?

There are two main reasons why many of the agents who purchase PPC leads from referral companies fail. These are expectations and attitudes.

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Expectations lead to failure because many agents believe that once they buy a name and contact information from a company, they will succeed automatically. That’s not the case.

Oftentimes, real estate agents can buy from lead companies only to be given a name and contact information and call it a lead. However, to be able to call it a lead, the real estate agent must have had a conversation with them.

Then, based on their conversation, they can move forward and call them leads with potential conversions if they believe that the person is interested.


Next, there’s attitude. Real estate agents need to consider that every name they buy is an opportunity, not an automatic lead. As such, it’s best to think about buying PPC leads as a long-term investment.

While some of the names that you buy click immediately, others may take time to respond. Your attitude, therefore, should be focused on nurturing these potential leads so you can get a conversion out of them and get maximum benefits in the long run.

So, going back to the question, why are people failing? It’s because they set up such high expectations and have a negative attitude towards it.

That said, if you want to succeed in your next real estate venture, you need to change your perspective on the matter and see it as an opportunity.

Debunking the Myth That Buying PPC Leads Is Not Worth It

While it’s true that the rewards of buying PPC leads take time, many still believe the myth that buying PPC leads are not worth it.

It’s not a matter of answering whether buying PPC leads are worth it, because they are. Rather, it’s a matter of determining the best practice to make it worth it. These include the following strategies:

Stop Qualifying Leads First

Real estate agents make the mistake of pre-qualifying buyers. In doing so, they don’t give them the chance of unlocking their full potential and, as a result, disregard a possible opportunity.

Instead of qualifying your buyers first, give them what they want. What they want is typically access to the lock box, which real estate agents — like yourself — can provide.

This access is something that they can’t get online. So, the first thing on your script is to inquire whether they’re interested in seeing the house for themselves. That said, try to set an appointment in the first sentence.

Once that’s done, you can ask more substantial questions to get more insights into what type of buyer they are. This is because potential buyers are more likely to provide information about their financial situation and home requirements freely after booking an appointment with the house.

This method is known as the ALM method:

  • A = Appointment
  • L = Listing
  • M = Motivation

In other words, this is a give-give-ask rather than an ask-ask-give approach that makes your buyers feel more comfortable with engaging with you.

Don’t Slack Off on Speed To Lead

By calling them and setting their appointment fast, you take them off the market for other agents. Remember, buyers are only calling agents to get access, so if you take the lead, they don’t need to engage with other agents.


If you want to maximize the results of buying a PPC lead, you need to change your strategy effectively. This article will help you achieve just that. If you want a more in-depth understanding of the topic, feel free to explore other courses and workshops from Real Geeks.

Published on Jul 31, 2023 under , , ,

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